We are already free

Sun is already shinning , all there need is, the removal of clouds. – Madhav Bhattarai

We are already free from the beginning but the problem is we are entangled by our own opinion and limitation of clouds in the mind and trying to be free. if bird doesn’t believe in his wings and always stays in his nest in his own prison without having attempt to fly , then what can we do for that dogs.

Yeah yeah birds , i know ! . just understand the meaning , word doesn’t matter. actually this sentence applies for more than one things, where dog is also included . so in the sense, above sentence contains two sentence with same meaning. don’t think , just let it go , i am just Messin’ around. just don’t try to do anything , either good or bad , just don’t do , only be , just be , just watch and observe and let higher intelligence begin work by itself , do not interrupt it, let creator do it’s business without your interruption . if you just do that by removing you nonsense aside for a moment then you will realize something profound which i am unable to explain.

If you are not familiar with what i am talking then your mind probably say ; How to do ? , what you are talking about ?. ok oky ! , my vision is to take you from little surface thoughts to empty consciousness behind , in whichever way possible . because without touching that profound intelligence behind , you won’t be able to know a things beyond these thoughts , beliefs , logic (actually all are thoughts permutation and combination is various ways) etc. just look at wherever you, take a breath , i suppose ; you are reading this (actually i don’t need to suppose , i know ) , this moment , right this moment , wherever you are , wherever i am , just be in this moment . we are not far than the little piece of earth , we both know we are not here forever , just like you and me has come and gone thinking , worrying , same drama maybe little bit classical way. whatever , this life is always in this moment , there is no tomorrow or yesterday. yesterday was lived by you and me maybe not consciously but it was gone , and this moment is also going , to live it or not is in our hand , life doesn’t wait , it just move on. and the future we are anticipating will be present and we will be there in entirely different state than we are right now. whatever we are imagining about future is how we are right now , in which frequency we are right now. just like everything is energy , frequency and vibration.

the moment you realize there is no past or future , only this moment and that moment you realize that time is actually an illusion created psychologically by seeing physiological process , this moment you are free. the whole idea of zen is to become timeless , not the type of timeless when you are drunk but you only in this moment , realizing you are breathing , the sound of silence , the air flowing near you , the life throbbing within you , alert and aware.

Published by onebrieflife

Beyond fancy words there is Beautiful Silence. go there , find yourself and you will find me.

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